
The Ruxomar Resurgence Vol. 2 Ch. 8 'ATLAS' Pt. 1

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Passage of time: 16 hours.
Present Stardate: 93648.5

"Captain, we are approaching Starbase 57." "Thank you, Claire. Signal Rodin and his ships to drop out of warp. Begin our approach." The Athens, along with Rodin's lead ship docked at Starbase 57. Logan and his senior officers, along with Rodin and his escort officer made their way to the briefing room where they met with Admiral Okawa and several other senior officers from both the Ruxomar military and the Federation.

"Now that everyone is here, we may begin this meeting." Everyone took their seats. "Last night we sent a scout ship to the colony aforementioned. The reason it went off the grid, is because it's no longer there. The scout ship was able to extrapolate a course that their ships took, they followed it. It led them to an unexplored system. The Eridinians have built themselves a construction and distribution base, dubbed 'ATLAS', orbiting the 4th planet in the system, for now we're referring to that system as the Atlas system." A Ruxomar captain spoke up. "How did they manage to build a full size base without anyone knowing?" Admiral Okawa stood up and walked to a display monitor. "It looks like they used a multi ship site-to-site transport system to get the materials to Atlas. It consisted of ten ships. The transport would first originate at the original colony, and be sent through each ships transporter buffer, eventually reaching Atlas." Now, a Starfleet captain, Captain Yuu, chimed in. "What are their defenses like?" Okawa changed the slides on the monitor. "The scout ship reported that the base is defended by a fleet consisting of approximately 300 ships. "That sure sounds a lot for a facility like that." The same captain said, looking at the PADD containing the information. "It's a relatively large facility. It indicates that it's valuable." Another Ruxomar captain spoke up. "You said 300 ships? Do we know what ships?" "Not exactly. We know there's at least 20 carriers, but that's really the only specifics that we have. It's more than likely a battle fleet, so they're probably packing some serious power." Logan joined in on the conversation. "So, what's the plan?"

"Captain Kuro, you will be coordinating battle plans with Captain Yuu. She has been placed in the command position of the Federations 14th attack fleet. I am officially placing you, Captain Kuro, in the position of commander of the Ruxomar's 2nd battle fleet. Our fleets have 350 ships altogether. You two will be coordinating the fleet to lead an attack on the ATLAS Platform. Your mission is to destroy the ATLAS Platform, and take out as many of their ships as you can." Logan picked up his PADD and read over it a little bit while the Admiral was going over other stuff. "Captain Kuro and Captain Yuu, you have one day to set up your attack. The Federation fleet will be here by then. "Understood." They both said. Everyone else departed while Logan, Claire, and Yuu stayed behind to make battle plans.

---Time Passed: 14 hours---

"Alright, everything is ready. All ships have been notified, and are on standby to leave." "Great, we leave in 10 minutes." "Hail us when we're ready. Yuu to Odyssey, one to beam up." Claire and Logan stood side by side, looking out at the fleet of 350 ships.
"Our first major battle... is like a war..." Claire said, staring out at the ships. "... I don't know if I'm ready for this." Logan grabbed Claire's hand as they both looked out. "You are ready, I believe that. I have faith in you, you're going to do great, I promise." Claire gripped Logan's hand. "Thanks... I have faith in you too. You're leading a full on fleet, that's a lot of pressure, but I'm sure you can handle it." Logan looked at Claire. "With you as my first officer, and everyone else backing us up, we got this! Whenever you're ready Claire, signal for transport." They stood there for a few more minutes, holding hands, silent, looking out at the ships. "Ok, I think I'm ready now. Claire to Athens, 2 to beam up."

"Captain on the bridge!" Logan took his seat. Claire, open up a fleet wide hail. "Channel open." "Attention all ships, this is Captain Logan Kuro of the R.X.S. Athens. You have all been briefed on this mission, so you all know your orders. Captain Yuu of the Odyssey and myself will be coordinating on this channel, so keep this line open once we get to Atlas. I know everyone here will do their utmost in this battle, but there will be loss. However, they will not die in vein. What we do at Atlas today will save thousands of lives in the future. Godspeed, everyone. Kuro, out." Logan signaled the fleet to warp out. "Alright, lets get going! Set a course for ATLAS, warp 10. Engage."
Finally got this chapter out!!! I hope y'all are enjoying!!!
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